lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

(22-07-2013) Proof Of Politics: Indiana Fudges Truth On Health Exchange Rates To Make Obamacare Look Bad Bus1nessN3wz

Proof Of Politics: Indiana Fudges Truth On Health Exchange Rates To Make Obamacare Look Bad Jul 22nd 2013, 09:02

, member of the United States House of Represe...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sometimes, the political urge simply overwhelms anything resembling common sense and appropriate behavior.

Witness the latest example of political skullduggery playing out in the great State of Indiana where GOP Governor Mike Pence has found it necessary to take extreme liberties with the reporting of the state's healthcare exchange data—all to justify his anti-Obamacare political positioning.

Anyone paying attention to data projecting what a health insurance policy will likely cost on the newly formed individual policy insurance exchanges could hardly miss the headlines late last week announcing that premiums for health insurance policies stood to rise to an average monthly price of $570—a 72 percent increase over current rates in Indiana.

Of course, if this data is correct, it would be quite a blow to Indiana residents at the hand of the dreaded Obamacare.

At first glance—the only glance the Indiana officials intend for you to see—this is certainly disturbing news. Even those willing to accept the projections and claims made by the President during last week's health care address—where he referred to the 'good news' in California, Oregon, Washington and, particularly, New York—would have to come to the understanding that there may, indeed, be states where the law is going to badly hurt consumers.

Fortunately, there are those whose job it is to dig below the surface of that 'first glance' to discover the truth of any situation—and, in this situation, we learn that Indiana has sought to play cute in its efforts to present a grim picture of the healthcare reform law, even when the data reveals otherwise.

You see, while the states that have already released their projections have based their price expectations on what insurance company filings suggest will be the cost of a 'Silver' plan (the second least expensive option to be offered on the exchanges), Indiana decided to publish their projections based on a calculation that took all the levels of plans to be offered—ranging from the less expensive Bronze and Silver plan to the most expensive Gold and Platinum plans—and averaged them all together to come up with their projected rates.

As Sy Mukherjee points out, "That's like saying the average cost of a car in an Indiana dealership is $100,000 because it sells $20,000 Fords, $60,000 BMWs, and $220,000 Lamborghinis — technically true, but highly misleading."


What possible benefit can there be to taking an average of costs ranging from most expensive to least expensive when we know full well that the overwhelming majority of those living in Indiana—and, for that matter, everywhere else—will purchase the policies in the lower cost ranges?

How do we know this?

We know this because we have the evidence of buying patterns provided by the State of Massachusetts, a state that has been utilizing this system for quite some time now.

As Sarah Kliff at the Washington Post  reports—

"In Massachusetts, 8 percent of enrollees bought a gold plan. Eighty-four percent chose bronze or silver. At least one carrier in Indiana seems to agree with this distribution. In state rate filings, Physicians Health Plan of Indiana estimates that 45 percent of its enrollees will pick bronze and 38 percent take up silver. It is expected that the average mix of Individual Market will be more toward less rich benefit plans and credit should be given for the associated reduction in induced utilization," the company wrote in its filing. In other words, the average plan cost isn't a great estimation of what the average person will pay."

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